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The Health Benefits of Agrimony

Agrimony can be found growing extensively throughout Europe, Canada, and the United States. A hardy perennial, its natural habitat is woods and fields, but it takes to cultivation easily. Agrimony is not commonly used today, but has its place in traditional herbal medicine.

"Internally, American Indians used agrimony as a tonic to strengthen the whole system," say Ferrell et al. in Natural Remedies Encyclopedia. "It is specifically used for all digestive disorders and for strengthening the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. A strong decoction of root and leaves is used to treat pimples, skin blotches, and ulcers. An infusion of the leaves can treat jaundice and other liver problems. It is used for inflammatory diseases. When combined with a demulcent (mullein or slippery elm), a douche made from the leaves can be effectively used for excess vaginal secretions.

"Externally, a fomentation containing agrimony is applied to athlete's foot, sores, wounds, insect bites, and skin eruptions. It can also be taken internally for bites and stings. A tincture applied to the skin will draw out thorns and splinters."

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