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Beach Beautiful Hair Can Be Yours

While you're splashing about and working on your golden tan, you should remember to take good care of your hair as well. There are hundreds of products to protect the skin from the sun, and it's not rocket science that you should not step on a beach without an SPF. But how do you care for your hair while enjoying the surf?

Simple, just follow these quick and easy steps in our guide to beach beautiful hair:

Keep it tied up
The sun, the wind and seawater can all make your hair knotty and unmanageable. If you're planning on spending a day at the beach, tie your hair up or better yet, French plait it. You can plait it down the middle, or for a real trendy, summer style, plait it on either side. Plaiting your hair will keep it from knotting and you can let it loose and enjoy sexy, summer waves for cocktails later in the evening.

Again, the sun, the wind and seawater can also dry your hair out. Ensure that you use a leave-in conditioner on your hair for that extra bit of protection. When applying leave-in conditioner, never apply it to the roots. Rub the product between your palms and work it into the hair. Don't apply it directly on the hair as you may end up with greasy locks.

Accessorize with a stylish scarf
Tie a scarf around your head, ala Jackie O. These look fun, trendy and chic. They also help to protect the hair and keep it from flying away while you tan. Try tying the scarf around your head, and knotting it under your hair. Then let the ends of the scarf hang loosely amongst your hair for a chic, effortless beach-babe look.

Spray your hair with a UV protectant
If you can't find a UV protecting spray for your hair, make your own. It's quick and easy. Just use your regular SPF body cream and dilute it with some water in a spray bottle. When your hair is wet, or when you've just stepped out of the sea, spray it on your locks to keep the sun's rays at bay.

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