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The Benefits of Chamomile


What is Chamomile?

There are essentially two different species of chamomile that are used for supplements and balms. These are the German and the Roman varieties. In Great Britain, the most commonly available is the Roman chamomile while the rest of the world has greater access to German chamomile. However, both strains have the same effects and are incredibly safe for human consumption. Chamomile has always been a popular herbal remedy because of its lack of side effects and its obvious benefits. It is a mild relaxant and, as such, is often used as an herbal solution to help combat depression, stress and anxiety but is also used for the treatment of other diseases and illnesses.

The Cumulative Effect of Chamomile

Remember that chamomile is a cumulative treatment and this means that while it rewards users with benefits as soon as they start taking the supplement, the more regularly and the longer term you take the supplements the greater the effect will be. With a sensible dosage, there are no ill effects associated with the consumption of chamomile and so it is perfectly safe to take over a long period of time. By doing so, you may prevent the onslaught of certain conditions and treat other problems before they become noticeable.

Chamomile as a Muscle Relaxant

The most common use for chamomile supplements is as a muscle relaxant. Chamomile supplements are available as creams or as tablets, or alternatively you can buy the flowers of the plant from health stores and brew your own chamomile tea. How you take the supplement is probably best dictated by the reason you are taking it. Using chamomile as a muscle relaxant can help with menstrual cramps as well as other muscle complaints and should be taken internally. Two or three cups of chamomile tea every day or two to three tablets a day will usually be sufficient to help most ailments.

Chamomile to Help the Skin

Chamomile can be used to help ease the pain and uncomfortable feelings associated with burns, allergies and other problems. In most of these cases you may choose to use creams that are available in health stores or over the Internet. However, in the case of burns you should not choose a cream. Creams contain certain oily substances that trap the heat, further irritating the burn. For burns you should use cooled chamomile tea on a clean dressing. With other skin irritation you can choose to use creams, take capsules or drink the pleasantly fragranced tea.

The Active Ingredients in Chamomile

The active ingredients found in the flower of chamomile are volatile oils, also know as essential oils and flavonoids. Essential oils act by soothing irritated skin or tissue and are proven to help with skin irritations. These are the oils that help skin complaints as well as acne and other problems. Flavonoids, on the other hand, are anti-oxidant and assist the body’s healing and protect from the detrimental changes made to the body by free radicals. Many cosmetic products also use essential oils but if you are purchasing cosmetics that contain chamomile then you should look for the ones with the highest concentrate because otherwise they may prove useless.

A Summary of Chamomile

Chamomile has been proven to show good results in the combating of various illnesses and diseases. As well as effectively helping to combat stress and depression by relaxing the muscles in the brain, it can be used to defeat insomnia by relaxing the muscles and acting as a mild sedative. The muscle relaxing attributes also help to combat many other problems, including menstrual cramps. The essential oils that chamomile contains also help to heal skin irritations such as bites, stings and even burns and can help in the fight against acne.

Article by Matt Jackson.

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