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What Body Shape Are You?

The Hourglass

This body shape implies perfectly proportioned upper and lower halves with a slim waist. If you're jealous of women with this body shape, just remember that when they gain weight, they tend to gain it all over!

The Apple

Women with this type of shape are bigger on the top than at the bottom. She may have slim hips, but she also has a bigger belly, and tends to gain weight above the hips.

Apple-shaped people have a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and gall bladder disease.

No amount of diet or exercise can change an apple body shape into a pear shape or vice versa. Body shape is determined by genetics.

The Pear

This body shape sees the hips wider than the shoulders. She has a small top half and a flat stomach, with wide hips. When pear-shaped women gain weight, they tend to gain it below the waist.

The good news is, excess fat carried below the waistline is less risky than abdominal (stomach) fat for conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and gall bladder disease. So, pear-shaped people have fewer weight-related health problems than apple-shaped people.

The Ruler

This body shape is practically strait up and down, with waist, hips and shoulders equally wide. This body shape is often very slim, but often sees weight gained on the stomach and buttocks whilst the limbs stay thin.

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