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Butcher’s Broom Herb

The Benefits of Butcher’s Broom

Butcher’s broom is an evergreen bush that is native to regions of the Mediterranean. The stiff spines of the plant were once used for making brooms. This herb, which is a close cousin to asparagus, was eaten for centuries as a vegetable.

Butcher’s broom was used for hundreds of years in Europe for the treatment of urinary tract infection, constipation, gastrointestinal conditions and kidney stones. Tea was made of the plant’s fleshy root and drunk to relieve symptoms of the above conditions.

In the 20th century, the popularity of butcher’s broom decreased until the 1950s when the herb was researched in France. The results showed that when hamsters and dogs were fed extract from the root, their blood vessels narrowed. This led researchers to conclude that the herb could be used successfully in the treatment of vessel diseases. Today, butcher’s broom is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Butcher’s broom is also known as pettigree, knee holly and box holly. It is grown in many regions around the world, including the southern United States. A wide variety of medicinal preparations are made of the dried rootstock and root.

Because butcher’s broom narrows blood vessels, it can relieve the discomfort of circulatory conditions such as chronic venus insufficiency and varicose veins. It also relieves related symptoms such as cramping, itching, numbness and swelling. Though the FDA hasn’t yet approved butcher’s broom for the problems associated with circulatory conditions, health authorities in Germany consider it valuable for lower body circulation problems.

Butcher’s broom is used in over-the-counter medicines to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as itching, pain and swelling. Many topical ointments and rectal suppositories that relieve hemorrhoid symptoms contain butcher’s broom. It is effective in narrowing blood vessels to relieve all symptoms.

Butcher’s broom comes in capsule, liquid, tablet and suppository forms. It can be purchased at health food stores, most pharmacies and online. For the treatment of varicose veins, take 150mg. three times per day. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, take one teaspoon of liquid extract twice per day or 300mg. per day.

In order to boost the effectiveness of butcher’s broom, take a daily dose of vitamin C. Research has found that vitamin C increases the potency of the herb.


If you are taking any type of high blood pressure medication, MAO inhibitors or have a history of high blood pressure, consult your family doctor before taking butcher’s broom. Other than the above mentioned conditions no adverse effects have been recorded from the consumption of butcher’s broom as a daily supplement.

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