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Chin and Cheek Augmentation

If you are considering chin and cheek augmentation, then you should make sure you chose a doctor who you can trust and has experience performing the procedure. If done correctly then it can be very successful and change the way you look.

Many people chose to get this treatment to change the look of their face. Perhaps you want to change your profile by changing an overly small chin. Any change to your chin can change the appearance on other feature of your skin including your nose.

Augmentation will allow you to have more full cheekbones. The doctor will administer general anesthesia or sedation and can be performed at a office or hospital. The surgery usually takes about thirty minutes for chin implants and over an hour for cheek implants. Normally it is at an outpatient facility and there should be mild to moderate discomfort. The surgeon will recommend that you use certain implants so make sure you listen to his or her advice.

One of the risks is that there can be scars after the procedure. Normally, however the scars are in the inside of your mouth. There is also a risk of bruising but usually this should go away within a few weeks. In extreme classes, you can run the risk of an infection, sensory changes on the skin or implant displacement. Also, you can have asymmetry in the face which means your face will be unbalance.

Your first step should be to find a doctor who has experience in performing chin and cheek augmentation. If you find a reputable surgeon, then you will decrease the risk of any complications. He should explain the procedure to you and explain any risks and potential complications that can occur. The most important thing to do is to explain to the doctor your medical history. Most doctors will either perform a physical or will ask for documentation that you passed a physical but if they do not, then you will want to disclose any problems that you may be having with your health. You do not want to have any complications in the end.

It is important that you understand all of the risks and side effects of the procedure. After which you may want to consider getting the procedure done. If done correctly then the procedure can create a nice face and profile and you will love your new look.

With cosmetic surgery, Atlanta surgeons help you to achieve a natural, yet enhanced, appearance. They use the latest technologies and least invasive procedures to sculpt the body, breasts, and face. To know more, visit http://www.swancenteratlanta.com

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