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Is this Procedure Right for Me?

The best candidates for abdominoplasty are emotionally stable men and women who are in relatively good shape, close to their ideal body weight, and who have good overall skin elasticity, but are bothered by a large fat deposit or loose abdominal skin that won't respond to diet or exercise.

The surgery is particularly helpful to women who have lost elasticity in the muscles and skin of the abdomen due to multiple pregnancies. Loss of skin elasticity in older patients because of weight loss can also be improved. Abdominoplasty is not a “one size fits all” procedure; it is unique for each patient. Much depends upon the joint decisions made by the patient and his or her surgeon.

Patients who plan to lose a lot of weight should postpone surgery until after they have achieved their desired weight. Young women who plan future pregnancies should also wait, since vertical muscles in the abdomen, which are tightened during surgery, can separate during pregnancy.

If you have heavy scarring from previous abdominal surgeries, your doctor may advise against an abdominoplasty because of the possibility of unusually prominent scars.

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