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What Happens During Surgery?


In upper eyelid surgery, the surgeon marks the individual lines and creases of the eyelids in order to keep the scars as invisible as possible, within the natural folds of the skin. The incision is made and excess fat, muscle, and loose skin are removed. Fine sutures are then used to close the incisions.

In lower eyelid surgery the surgeon makes the incision in an inconspicuous site, along the lash line and within the smile creases. Again excess fat, muscle, and skin are trimmed away before the incision is closed with fine sutures.

Eyelid puffiness caused by excess fat may be corrected by a “transconjunctival blepharoplasty.” In this case, the incision is made inside the lower eyelid, and excess fatty deposits are removed. The sutures are self-dissolving and leave no visible scar.

The entire blepharoplasty procedure can take from one to two hours. Recovery time can be anywhere from a week to ten days. Mild discomfort can be relieved with the use of Tylenol and cold compresses. Bruising is normal, along with some swelling. In rare cases it can take months for the swelling to completely disappear.

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