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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Understanding Implants

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration identifies breast implants as varied. Implants may vary in several ways:

  1. In shell surface — smooth versus textured
  2. In shape — round versus shaped
  3. In profile — how far it protrudes
  4. In volume — the size
  5. In “shell thickness”

The primary parts of most breast implants include a shell (envelope or lumen), a filler (saline or silicone), and a patch to cover the manufacturing hole. Some breast implants are single lumen (just the shell), while others are double lumen (one shell inside another shell). Some implants are pre-filled, and some filled during surgery, while others are adjusted after surgery.

Breast implants will not last a lifetime. Ruptures and complications frequently happen. If that happens, the implants would have to be removed. The patient may or may not be able to have replants. Some breasts undergo undesirable cosmetic changes, which may be irreversible. If the patient later decides to have the implants removed, dimpling, puckering, wrinkling, loss of breast tissue, or other undesirable cosmetic changes of the breast could result.

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