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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Preparing for Surgery

Once you have found a doctor who meets your criteria, schedule a formal consultation. Have a list prepared of things you want to ask and concerns you might have. Don’t allow the consultation to be rushed. Discuss with the doctor what surgical results you hope for. Tell the doctor about any medical problems you have, as well as any medications you take — both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your health and, based upon the condition of your breasts and your skin tone, explain which surgical technique is most appropriate. You will also be asked questions pertinent to surgery success. Answer all questions as completely and honestly as possible. Let the doctor know whether or not you smoke, and tell him or her about any negative responses to surgical procedures you have experienced in the past.

Your surgeon will give you dietary guidelines about what you can and cannot eat or drink before surgery; if you smoke you will be asked to stop smoking prior to your surgical procedure, and for a certain length of time thereafter. Smoking inhibits healthy healing of scar tissue. You will also be told to avoid taking certain vitamins and medications. Follow all pre and post surgery guidelines to the letter.

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