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Breast Reduction Surgery


Once you have completely healed, and swelling and bruising have disappeared, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of your surgery. However, it may take six months to a year before your breasts settle into their new shape.

Visible scars will always remain. Although your surgeon followed procedures to make scars as inconspicuous as possible, scarring from breast reduction surgery is extensive and permanent. Red and lumpy for months, they will gradually become less obvious, sometimes fading to thin white lines. Regardless, scars will be hidden from view, even when wearing low-cut tops or a bathing suit.

Besides breast reduction and better body proportion, you will realize relief from former physical discomforts caused by over-large breasts. Clothes will fit better; you will feel better, and be less self-conscious, too.

Because both physical and cosmetic benefits are realized, breast reduction offers the quickest body-image change of all plastic surgery procedures, with dramatic results.

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