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Breast Reduction Surgery

Pre-surgery Consultation

If you are considering breast reduction surgery, whether for cosmetic or health purposes, it is important for you to find a qualified doctor; one not only board certified, but certified in the area of breast reduction plastic surgery.

Obtain recommendations: from friends, persons who have had successful breast reduction surgery, trusted health-care professionals, and by researching over the Internet or using other sources. Once you have located a likely candidate, schedule a formal consultation. Be sure you will be meeting with the same doctor who will be operating on you.

Discuss with the doctor your expectations and any concerns. Ask questions, and request specific, not vague, answers. Be frank, open, and honest; request the same from the doctor. Let the doctor know what medications you take, and how often; also discuss any previous complications you have experienced in the past from medical procedures.

If you decide to go ahead with surgery, the doctor will want to examine and measure your breasts; photographs of your breasts might be taken for reference purposes during surgery, as well as for post-surgery comparisons. Photographs are also sometimes required for medical insurance claim purposes.

Ask direct questions about how the surgical technique will position your nipple and areola; more than likely they’ll be moved higher. Make sure the doctor describes the surgery and particular technique he plans on using completely. There will be permanent scarring. Make sure the doctor explains to you how much scarring to expect. Because liposuction breast surgery leaves minimal scarring, ask whether or not that is an option. What type of anesthesia will be used? What medications during and after surgery will you be given? Also ask where the surgery will be performed; in a hospital, outpatient surgery center, or office-based surgical suite. Ask what type clothing will be best to wear on the day of the surgery. Be sure all your questions have been asked and that you feel comfortable with the doctor before leaving the consultation.

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