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Facelift Surgery

Risks Involved

Young Skin

When performed by an experienced surgeon, facelift complications are infrequent. Many thousands of facelifts are performed each year without mishap. But each person’s anatomy, physical reaction to surgery, and healing process is different. The outcome of a facelift, as with any surgery, can never really be 100% predictable. Therefore, it is best to consider possible risks, regardless how small.

Complications are, for the most part, minor. Risks include collections of blood under the skin (requiring surgical removal), nerve injury (usually temporary), infection, unexpected reactions to the anesthesia, and poor healing. The latter is most likely due to smoking, which inhibits a wound’s ability to heal.

Although qualified plastic surgeons have much experience and are well-trained in safe techniques for manipulating skin and tissue, injury to underlying tissue structure is possible, though usually temporary. Another possible risk is a visible scar; while most incisions heal nicely and are inconspicuous, it is possible for poor healing to enhance a scar line.

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