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Facelift Surgery

The Formal Surgery Consultation

Young Skin

After taking steps to locate a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon, board certified in plastic surgery and in facelifts in particular, make an appointment to interview each candidate. Not for a formal consultation, but only to discuss possible surgery. Make it clear that you are considering having plastic surgery, and that you are looking for a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable.

You will be looking for a surgeon who projects confidence and sincerity. You want someone who takes the time to answer questions thoroughly and clearly, who makes good eye contact. Not one that rattles off a stream of confusing medical terms you don’t understand, or who acts rushed.

Once you have found a doctor you are comfortable with and who meets professional criteria, proceed with the consultation. Discuss why you want plastic surgery, what areas of your face you want “corrected,” and what you expect for end results.

The doctor will evaluate your face, including the skin texture, elasticity, and thickness, as well as underlying bone, and hairline. He or she will discuss your goals for the surgery. Medical conditions that could cause problems will also be discussed. Answer all questions as completely and honestly as possible. Let the doctor know what medications you take, and whether or not you smoke.

Facelift techniques and procedures will be discussed. Ask about the type of anesthesia that will be used; most facelifts are performed using local anesthesia and a sedative. Discuss any medications that may be prescribed or administered during or after the procedure.

Find out where the procedure will be performed; hospital, free-standing ambulatory facility, or office-based surgical suite. Most facelifts are done on an outpatient basis; some surgeons require hospitalization for a day or two if general anesthesia is used.

Discuss risks, costs, insurance coverage if any, and what to expect during and after surgery. Share any concerns. If you are overweight and plan on dieting, let the doctor know that, as well.

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