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Facelift Surgery

The Surgery

Young Skin

A facelift usually takes several hours to complete; longer if other cosmetic procedures are performed at the same time. Skin will be separated from the fat and underlying muscle; most often the incision will begin just above the hairline at the temples. It will usually extend in a natural line in front of the ear, and continue behind the earlobe to the lower scalp. If the neck needs work an incision might also be made under the chin.

Fat under the skin might be trimmed or suctioned around the neck and chin to improve contour. Underlying muscle and membrane will be tightened, skin pulled back and excess skin removed. Stitches are usually used to secure layers of tissue and close the incisions; metal clips are usually used on the scalp.

Directly after surgery a thin tube may be introduced under the skin behind the ear to drain blood. The tube is usually removed a day or two after surgery. Your head may also be wrapped loosely in bandages to minimize bruising and swelling.

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