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Rhinoplasty Surgery

Planning Your Surgery


Once you have selected a surgeon, meet with him or her for a consultation. Discuss your expectations and any secondary medical conditions that might exclude you from having the procedure.

The doctor will want to know your medical history. Certain pre-existing conditions may rule you out as a candidate. You are at increased risk of complications if you have diabetes, poor circulation, heart, lung or liver disease, have a family history of blood clots, take certain medications, or if you smoke. Be sure to tell your surgeon if you've had any previous nose surgery or an injury to your nose, even if it was many years ago.

Your entire face will be examined and considered when planning the procedure. For instance, a weak chin may create the illusion that your nose is larger than it really is. Some patients choose to have chin augmentation along with rhinoplasty. The physician will discuss such things with you.

Skin type, ethnic background, and age are also important factors to discuss with your surgeon prior to surgery. Age can also be a factor. Many surgeons will not operate on teenagers until they've completed their growth spurt. This is around 14 or 15 for girls, and somewhat older for boys.

According to Dr. Sanjay Grover of Newport Beach, California, the procedure will be limited by the internal and external structures of the nose. “A certain nose cannot be created, but it can be helpful to bring pictures of noses that you like.”

After examining your nose and your preferences for desired size and contour, the surgeon will be able to give you a realistic idea of what improvements can be made. When the doctor understands your expectations, he or she will be better able to determine whether or not your goals are realistic.

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