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Decorating Your Home on a Shoestring Budget

Decorating your home can be fun and exciting, but it can also be downright expensive. Here's a few tips to help you jazz up your home, on a shoestring budget.

Change the colour
Paint is a magnificent tool. It can completely change the look and feel of any ordinary room. Don’t be shy; play with colours to conjure up a creative masterpiece. If you need some tips and advice on painting, your local DIY and hardware store should be able to advise you on which colour pallets go together.

Go for the interesting and unusual
By simply adding a glass bowl filled with fruits, you can create an eye-catching centrepiece for your dining room table or kitchen. If you have a touch of green in your kitchen, try using apples, and if you've got a hint of orange, go for oranges. Lemons and grapefruit also make great centrepieces. However, don't go for food that doesn't keep well when its out of the refrigerator.

Open up smaller rooms with mirrors
Mirrors are excellent choices to open up smaller rooms and make them appear bigger and more spacious. If you're feeling cluttered in a small place, invest in a good-sized mirror that has interesting screws instead of a frame.

Add a splash of colour
Give your rooms a makeover by simply adding a splash of colour with various plants. Plants give a room life and can really transform the drab and dreary into the darling and delicious. Check with your florist on the long life of the plants before purchasing them.

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