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Feng Shui for Your Bedroom

Feng shui your bedroom for a comfortable flow of energy and feel more relaxed and rejuvenated upon waking.

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, your peaceful place and your reward at the end of the day. Your bedroom should have a constant flow of sensual energy, which calms you down and relaxes you. Your bedroom should not be your living space; it should only be used to sleep, nap or make love to your partner.

First and foremost get rid of the TV and other distracting gadgets. Things like computers and exercise equipment are all big no-no's that work against the feng shui environment. Try to allow the flow of energy to pass freely without being distracted by clutter. Messy environments and objects such as shoes and clothing lying on the floor also restrict the flow of energy.

Always keep cupboard doors, en suite doors and entrance doors to your bedroom closed at night when you go to sleep. This will allow the flow of energy to strengthen your environment.

Oxygen and light
To create a sense of feng shui in your bedroom, first and foremost get a good flow of oxygen going. Get rid of any plants and open the windows to allow oxygen to flow freely into your bedroom. Next, consider your lighting. Light is energy and remember that we are attempting to get good feng shui (good energy) going in the bedroom, so light is very important. High levels of artificial lighting are not recommended, so instead, try to install a dimmer or lamps to create a more natural light.

Colour and images
The colours you use in the décor and design of your bedroom can also work in harmony with the feng shui principles. Natural colours are best used in the bedroom; these include pale pink, beige, browns and basically any colour that reflects the colour of human skin. The photographs and paintings or images that you use in your bedroom are also very important. These need to reflect what you want to see evolving in your life. Use images that make you feel happy and at peace. Don't use lonely, sad photos or paintings in your bedroom.

The bed
Your bed is the centrepiece of your bedroom and to achieve perfect feng shui harmony, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. A good quality bed and mattress not only give you a comfortable night's sleep, but also work in harmony with the feng shui principles.
  2. Your bed linen should consist of natural fibres that are of a high quality.
  3. Ideally, you should have both sides of your bed free from clutter, making it easy for you to get into bed from either of the two sides.
  4. Each side should be balanced with a side table. For perfect balance, these should be identical.
  5. If your bedroom design allows it, the bed should not be in a direct line with the door.

Author: Dimi Ingle
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