Chest Exercise: Push-ups
Whether or not you have access to a gym facility, weight and exercise
equipment, the traditional push-up is still one of the best chest building
exercises there is. The best part about them is that they can be performed
just about anywhere, anytime with no equipment at all.
The traditional push-up requires that you use your own body weight, therefore
equipment and added weight such as dumbbells and barbells are not needed;
you can adjust the intensity and variation by simply altering your position
(see below).
To perform this move:
- Start by supporting yourself face-downwards on the floor.
- Keeping your arms extended, hands shoulder width apart and hands facing
forward part your feet slightly or tuck your toes under for support.
- DOWNWARD: As you inhale bend your elbows, bringing your chest
to the floor but not touching it. Keep your body straight and do not
allow your back to arch.
- UPWARD: Exhale and push yourself back up to the starting position
before repeating again.
- Hands wider apart target the lateral portion of your pecs.
- Hands closer together target the sternal head of your pecs.
- Raised feet target the clavicular head of your pecs (try resting your
feet on an exercise ball or an aerobic step bench).
- If you really want intensity, instead of having your palms flat on
the floor, clench your fists and put your knuckles on the floor for
The ending position of the push up exercise
Author: Dimi Ingle.
Copyright: Remedium. This article may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Remedium.