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Happy Feet or Fashion Footwear Failure?

When fashion calls, the fashionistas generally follow. However, putting fashion before health when it comes to your feet isn’t always the smartest choice.

According to the latest statistics provided by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), 63 percent of women reported heel pain as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. Women were also more likely than men to suffer as a result of painful shoes.

Despite these numbers, the APMA reports that a shocking 82 percent of women say they are willing to sacrifice the health of their feet for fashion.

“Women can still wear great shoes and look sexy if they are smart about their shoe choices,” says Dr. Jane Andersen, a member of the AMPA. “Wearing fashionable shoes doesn’t have to result in pain and discomfort. If you understand how an ill-fitting shoe can negatively impact your foot, in the end you’ll be able to purchase shoes this season that are both sensible and stylish.”

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