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Hairstyles for Square Faces

Choosing a hairstyle can be a fun and often scary process. With so many styles to choose, how do you know which one is right for you? The shape of your face is a great indicator as to what style will suit you the most.

Look to your Hollywood inspirations for styles that suit you, but remember to follow the stars who have the same face shape as you and you will be set to having gorgeous, Hollywood hair that looks like it was made for you.

If your face is shaped like Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson or Hilary Swank, you've got a square face. A square face is generally categorized by a strong, defined jaw, much like your celebrity look-alike.

When choosing a hairstyle to suit your square face, you should aim for one that will take the emphasis away from your jaw. A great way to do this is to opt for hairstyles that have texture and layers. Choppy and uneven ends that frame your face are great options for this face shape. So are side-swept bangs. Curls in varying positions also look great on this face shape.

Avoid hairstyles that end on your jawline as these will define your jaw. Remember "the Rachel" hairstyle worn by Jennifer Aniston in Friends? This one is a great option for shorter hair and works wonders for square faces.

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