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The Health Benefits of Carrots

What's up for health, Doc? Big orange carrots, that's what. Carrots are rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene. They are especially valuable for parents whose young children turn up their noses at vegetables, and the "wascawwy wabbit" who has tormented Elmer Fudd in innumerable cartoons has helped keep carrots popular with kids. Carrots are one of the few vegetables that travel well raw for kid's and grown-up's lunches and snacks. Ever wonder why Bugs Bunny has lived for so long? It just might be the carrots.

Cancer. Beta-carotene consumption has been linked to reduced risk of several cancers, notably lung cancer. It was found that the ones with the lowest levels of beta-carotene have the high chance of developing lung cancer. Therefore increasing the beta-carotene consumption from 1.7 to 2.7 milligrams a day reduced lung cancer risk for more than 40 percent. The average carrot contains about 3 milligrams of beta-carotene. Not all of that is absorbed into the bloodstream, but a good deal is.

Heart attack. At the Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, Italy, scientists analyzed the diets and health of 936 elderly women. Compared with those who ate the fewest carrots and least fruit, those who consumed the most had an astonishing 60 percent fewer heart attacks.

Macular degeneration. This common eye disease of the elderly impairs the macula, the part of the retina that produces the sharpest vision in the center of the visual field. But people who eat the most fruits and vegetables enjoy some protection, apparently because certain nutrients preserve the macula. It was found that compared with those who consumed the least beta-carotene, those who ate the most had a 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration.

Stroke. Compared with eating carrots once a month or less, a carrot a day reduces stroke risk by a whopping 68 percent. Although it was not certain what accounts for carrot's ability to protect the arteries in the brain, but it was believed that beta-carotene plays a role. Those with the highest level of beta-carotene had the best survival rate.

Raymond Lee Geok Seng is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is a writer specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He has spent countless of time and efforts conducting research and share his insightful and powerful secrets to benefit men and women all over the world. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit http://www.bodyfixes.com for more information.

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