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Eating Habits: Ten Keys to Healthy Eating

In a time of fast food, dinner-to-go and Pizza hot-lines it becomes more and more crucial for people to remember healthy eating in order to stay active, feel good and maintain a healthy weight. For those that already chronically feel sick, fatigued and overweight it is important to review these keys to healthy eating in order to change back to a healthier lifestyle.

1. Eat Green

Green vegetables have a huge amount of minerals and dietary fiber in them. The minerals are essential to your health, well being and fighting sickness. Dietary fiber is like the magic pill when it comes to keeping your colon healthy and working efficiently. Greens that are good to eat are spinach leaves, broccoli, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, fresh wheat grass and collards.

2. Get Moving

Start with a very small amount but do it continually to build up a habit. When the habit is there you can increase the amount of exercise you are doing. For weight loss the slow increase over time will be more beneficial than a long workout over only a short time period. Exercise has been proven to work as a hunger depressant. A few minutes of walking before dinner also helps in keeping the portion size down.

3. Laugh and Be Social

When you eat with others you can focus more of your attention on the conversations and the interaction that is taking place. You do not have to rely solely on your food to make you happy. Also, laughing is good for the soul. It defeats stress and works against depression, two major reasons why people overeat and turn to food as their comforter.

4. Drink Water

Somehow we forget this a lot during our busy lifestyles. If you don't drink enough your body actually starts to store water, which will lead to weight gain and will counteract weight loss. Therefore, make sure you are getting your recommended eight cups a day.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Most people need about seven to eight hours of sleep a night. When losing weight and going through physical changes you will be needing more sleep. Not getting enough sleep will lead to fatigue and a craving for high energy foods to keep you going through the day. When you notice fatigue, try a power nap of maximum 30minutes instead of a candy bar.

6. Eat Fresh

Everything that comes in cans, bags, boxes, bottles and so on is processed food and has already lost a large amount of its minerals and vitamins. It might have the same calories as it did fresh, but the quality has degraded. Make sure you get enough fresh food in your diet to fuel your body with all the nutrients it needs. Always have fresh fruit in the house, keep fresh vegetables in your refrigerator and if you can afford it buy your fresh produce in the organic section. Also, a farmers' market is usually the better choice than a big store.

7. Avoid Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils

More and more people are picking up on this. Hydrogenated vegetable oils have been linked to many diseases lately. They are being used in pastry to extend its shelf life. Therefore, always check the ingredients before buying pastries and other baked goods.

8. Choose Whole Wheat Instead of White Flour

The diet experts are screaming it at you all the time. Avoid the white flour. A grain consists of its shell, the seed and a starch pocket. In the process of producing flour the grain is stripped off the seed, which is fatty and would make the flour turn bad in short time. For white flour the shell is also taken away, leaving mainly the starch. In whole-wheat flour the shell is left with the starch providing dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins. If you want to use whole-wheat flour for baking add about 10% more water to the dough. If you want to compromise use 2/3 whole-wheat flour and 1/3 white flour.

9. Say 'No' to Sugar

White sugar is so refined that it does not have any vitamins or minerals left. Actually, when white sugar is digested it takes those minerals from the body that it needs to be processed. Sugar has an addictive effect on the body. Some people may have mild symptoms of dizziness, headache and sweating when stopping to consume sugar.

10. Exchange Bad Eating Habits with Good Ones

Changing to healthy eating is about exchanging bad eating habits with good ones. This is the important thing to keep in mind when pursuing weight loss and health improvement. Take time to think about bad eating habits that you have and instead of ending them, exchange them for good ones. Once you have that good eating habit implemented move on to the next bad habit you have and keep continuing on this path of permanent health.

Article by Alexa Cooper:
To read more by Alexa Cooper on weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle visit her website at http://www.10stepstoweightloss.com/blog.


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