The Heart Healthy Kitchen Makeover
Maintaining a healthy heart starts with making the right choices in your diet, which according to Melda Dolan M.D., a cardiologist at Saint Louis University, “is easier than you think, but might require a life-style change”.
Dolan offers these ten tips to help you improve your heart health today. Start by giving your kitchen a heart-healthy makeover.
- Shop on the outer perimeter of your grocery store; here you will find the fresh food and produce.
- Avoid processed foods at all costs! This means throwing out all frozen meals and canned goods.
- Use herbs to add flavor to your meals and toss out the salt.
- Replace butter with olive and vegetable oil instead.
- Quit frying and rather bake, broil and grill your food.
- Stock up on fish and chicken.
- Limit red meat consumption as well as pork.
- Enjoy fresh fruit for desert rather than cake or ice cream.
- Limit alcohol to one drink per day, whether it’s beer, red wine or white wine.
- Practice portion control and ensure your servings aren’t too big.