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Herbal Teas A2Z

Herbal teas are not just tasty to drink, but they have long been known to have medicinal benefits. Some of the most popular teas today include:

Chamomile tea, a favorite if you have trouble sleeping. It has natural sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties and is good for cramps. Due to its calming effect, it is often used to help relieve anxiety. It is rich in essential oil and can help the digestive system function properly. Chamomile is also very good for your skin; you can wet a cloth in the tea and use it as a skin cleanser or compress.

Ginger tea is reputed to be an aphrodisiac and can help freshen your breath. It has anti-fungal and anti-spasmodic properties and can help soothe upset stomachs by neutralizing acids and aiding digestion. Ginger treats colds and fevers and is an effective remedy for motion sickness, nausea from chemotherapy and sometimes morning sickness. Ginger is anti-inflammatory and destroys many intestinal parasites. It normalizes blood pressure and helps support the liver, eases congestion in the throat and lungs, relieving symptoms of cold and flu, and helps alleviate menstrual discomfort.

Lemon balm tea will ease tension without causing drowsiness, aid digestion and soothe feverish conditions brought on by heavy colds and flu. The tea may help in the treatment of thyroid-related problems (though caution should be exercised by those on thyroid hormone treatment), in strengthening memory and other brain functions, and in enhancing and improving one's mood.

Drink peppermint tea after heavy meals to aid digestion, relieve bloating and prevent indigestion. To relieve stomachaches, drink one cup of peppermint tea after meals. You can add one quart of tea to a bath to help treat skin ailments. Peppermint tea is also good for sore throats —use it as a gargle several times per day. When combined with elderflower, peppermint tea is particularly successful in relieving the symptoms of colds and flu.

Rosemary tea is often drunk at the start of day or when energy levels are starting to fall because of its pick-me-up qualities. Rosemary tea increases circulation and slightly raises the blood pressure, warming the body from the inside out. Internally, rosemary tea stimulates the liver and digestion, promotes blood circulation, tones up the blood vessels, invigorates, and increases your awareness. Use rosemary tea as a mouthwash for bad breath.

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