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Hyssop Herb and Oil

Hyssop leaves are said to contain oils that act as general cleansers and purifiers throughout the body. In the Bible (John 19:28, 29) hyssop is referred to as a holy herb. Traditionally, Tibetan lamas would offer hyssop to their deities during sacred and secret services.

Prepared as an infusion, hyssop will soothe colic, improve digestion and eliminate flatulence. It is an excellent nerve tonic, and also helps one to build up strength after an illness. It is recommended for coughs (try combining with other cough remedies) colds, flu, and as a gargle for sore throats.

A tea made with the fresh green tops, and drunk several times daily, is one of the old-fashioned country remedies for rheumatism that is still employed. Hyssop baths have also been recommended as part of the cure, but the quantity used would need to be considerable.

Hyssop essential oil is used to relieve tension and stress. As with all essential oils add a few drops of the essential oil to a carrier oil. Massage this oil into the aching area. It is also used for viral infections, hay fever, eczema and circulatory problems.

Do not use this oil if you are suffering from epilepsy. Usage should also be avoided during pregnancy.

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