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The Health Benefits of Kelp

California kelp, Norwegian kelp, Nova Scotia dulse, and the European Irish moss are primarily useful for the trace minerals they contain. (California kelp is not as nutritionally good as the others.)

This seaweed provides an abundance of natural iodine which is missing from much of the soil on the continents. In addition to their nutritive value, when eaten, the seaweed absorbs waste from the body fluids, binds with poison, and carries them off. A factor, called sodium alginate, in kelp binds with radioactive strontium-90 in the intestines and carries it out of the body.

Kelp is used for hypothyroidism and general thyroid health — Japanese studies have shown that the high iodine value in kelp assists with healthy thyroid function and is therefore an effective treatment for hypothyroidism.

Research has also shown that kelp is a good antioxidant, diuretic and endocrine tonic and cultural studies relating to the dietary consumption of kelp have shown it to lower the rate of breast cancer, heart disease, rheumatism, arthritis and infectious diseases.

Kelp also provides nutritional support to the nervous system and heart in the form of iodine, vitamins, minerals and cell salts.

Kelp may be taken in tablet form as a dietary supplement or as a tea infusion. To make kelp tea, add 2-3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb in a cup of boiling water, and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day. Powdered kelp can also be added to most dishes or sprinkled over soups and salads.

Cautions: Excessive dosages of kelp may induce hyperthyroidism.

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