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Mammograms Found to Cause Cancer

The American Cancer Society recommends a mammogram every one to two years for women between the ages of 40 and 49. However, according to the January issue of the Lancet (2000) "for every one thousand women screened every two years over a period of 12 years, only one breast cancer death was avoided, whereas six deaths were caused due to the radiation.

According to (Cancer, The Misguided Cell, Prescott and Flexer) fifteen percent of mammograms are false negatives. However, a Swedish study of 60,000 women showed that 70 % of tumors detected by mammograms were false positives which often lead to unnecessary biopsies.

The National Institute of Health reported that mammograms miss 25 % of malignant tumors. Furthermore, an Australian study reported more than half of the breast cancers in younger women are undetectable.

Mammograms expose women to radiation equal to 20-100 chest x-rays. A Canadian study showed a 52% increase in breast cancer in young women given yearly mammograms.

Twelve percent of all breast cancers are ductal carcinoma in status. They are caused by the frequent use of mammograms and have increased by 328% since mammograms came into use. (Alternative Medicine, Burton Goldberg)

Women who are pregnant should never have a mammogram. Mammograms increase the risk of the future development of leukemia in the unborn child.

Thermography and ultrasounds are much safer tests. Thermographies show heat patterns and angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels) in the breast using infrared sensors. Only 10 % of cancers are missed. The drawback is that this method only detects physiological changes. It cannot locate the exact area of a suspected tumor.

Ultrasounds use high frequency sound waves that bounce off breast tissue. Breast tissue density can be measured and located. It is often used to detect tumors missed by mammograms. Seventeen percent of cancers can be missed.

If you're interested in learning more about breast cancer follow link to http://kathrynpicoulin.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=70&chapter=1

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