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Canola Oil Nutrition Facts

Canola oil is a common oil used in the preparation and flavoring of various foods. It was first cultivated in Canada and developed through plant breeding from rapeseed. In ancient times, the Europeans and Asians used rapeseed oil in lamps.

Traditional rapeseed oil has been deemed undesirable for humans by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), however the Canola Council of Canada states that canola oil is completely safe and the healthiest of the cooking oils.

According to the official canola website, Conalainfo.org, recent developments have shown canola oil to be the edible oil choice of a heart healthy diet. Canola oil has a unique fatty acid profile consisting of low saturated fat and high monounsaturated oil. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This fatty acid profile has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

When compared with other oils such as peanut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil and others, canola has one of the lowest ratios of saturated to unsaturated fats.

Canola oil is a good source of ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid) omega-3 fatty acids. One serving (about 14ml) of canola oil provides the body with 1.3 grams of ALA fatty acid. Per 10ml serving of canola oil, the body will receive 120 calories, 14 grams of fat (only one gram being saturated fat), zero carbohydrates, zero protein, zero cholesterol and zero sodium.

Canola oil also contains vitamin E.

Author: Dimi Ingle.
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