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Raspberries Nutrition Facts

Raspberries come in various colors. Although primarily red, raspberries may also be black, purple and even golden. There are over two hundred known species of raspberries, and interestingly enough, raspberries form part of the rose or Rosaceae family, together with strawberries.

There are two types of raspberries that are commercially available, the wild type summer bearing and the double or ever bearing plants.

Leaves of the raspberry plant are also commonly used for their medicinal teas, and also make delicious herbal teas. The leaves are also reputed to be effective in regulating the menstrual cycle.

Raspberries are rich in vitamin C and may contain potential anti-cancer agents. One hundred grams of raw raspberries provides the body with 52 calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 1 gram of fat and 1 milligram of sodium. Although the amounts are small, one hundred grams of raspberries also contain 4% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of iron, 2% of calcium and 1% of vitamin A.

Raspberries have also been linked to a positive promotion in cardiovascular health and cancer. A study published in the Journal of BioFactors reported that raspberries contain almost fifty percent more antioxidant activity than strawberries. These antioxidants have been shown to fight off cancer cells.

"Raspberry represents a diverse source of potentially healthy antioxidants and as such can provide a useful component to our daily diet," said scientists from Plant Research International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.

Author: Dimi Ingle
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