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Palmarosa Essential Oil

Native to the Indian subcontinent, palmarosa is a wild herbaceous plant, growing to a height of nine feet. With long, slender stems, fragrant grassy leaves, and flowers in 'terminal' clusters, palmarosa is a member of the Cymbopogon genus of aromatic tropical grasses.

Palmarosa essential oil is steam- or waterdistilled from the whole plant. It is also widely used in making soap because, unlike other oils, it retains its sweet, rose-like, floral perfume that blends well with bergamot, citronella, geranium, cedar, jasmine, lavender, organe, petitgrain, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang.

One of the most valuable skin oils, palmarosa restores and maintains the correct water balance, and moisturizes, stimulates cell growth, and regulates the production of sebum. If used regularly, it will help to smooth and tone wrinkles and crepey skin. Its antibacterial action makes it useful in skin-care products for acne, dermatitis, eczema, scars, sores, and skin infections.

Palmarosa essential oil and the dried herb are both used in Ayurvedic medicine. Palmarosa essential oil is recommended for neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, and rheumatic pains. The herb is used to treat fevers, dyspepsia, and colitis.

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