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Parsley Collection

Parsley Parsley Parsley

Parsley is a bright green biennial herb, often used as spice. It is common in Middle Eastern, European, and American cooking. In modern cooking, parsley is used for its leaf in much the same way as coriander, although parsley is perceived to have a milder flavor.

Parsley is an amazing medicinal herb, agreeable to the stomach. It is a very versatile plant to aid the body in regaining health. The root contains calcium, B-complex vitamins, and iron, all of which nourish the glands that help regulate the uptake of calcium. It is a source of both magnesium and calcium, and especially potassium. Parsley is high in vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C. Parsley is loaded with vitamin K; cooking parsley nearly doubles its vitamin K.

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