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Potassium: Benefits, Food Sources,
RDA, and Deficiency


Potassium is one of those elements that is crucial to good health and a strong body, and is of particular importance to those trying to lose weight. Potassium imbalance is one of the most frequently seen complications of fad diets, and potassium imbalance can have serious health consequences.

Potassium has many important jobs, including helping to regulate blood pressure, helping to keep the right balance of water in fat and muscle tissues, and helping to ensure the proper functioning of cells.

Dietary Sources of Potassium:

Some of the best sources of potassium in the diet include bananas, citrus fruit, grains, vegetables, meat and fish.

Recommended Daily Intake of Potassium:

The minimum recommended daily intake of potassium is set at 3.5 grams.

Potassium Supplements:

While the need for potassium supplementation varies, those undertaking strict diets or weight loss plans can often benefit from a good potassium supplement. Water lost through excessive sweating can often cause a drop in potassium levels, and eating plenty of foods rich in potassium is even more important to those on a diet.

Side Effects and Toxicity of Potassium:

Toxicity and overdoses are quite rare with potassium, but they can be quite serious when they do occur. Potassium levels that are too high can lead to heart and kidney damage. However, these effects are rarely seen, and they are generally caused by an underlying medical problem.

Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency:

Classic symptoms of potassium deficiency include fatigue, mood changes, irregular heartbeat and muscle weakness.

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