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Three Smart Steps to Quit Smoking

Smoking accounts for at least thirty percent of deaths. Despite these scary statistics and various campaigns set out to help kick the habit, as a smoker you know that quitting is a lot harder than it sounds.

The secret to quitting success lies in the ability to set a date and properly prepare for it. “We have found that smokers benefit the most by making a plan to quit and setting their quit day 10 days to two weeks out so they can prepare to become tobacco free,” says Ken Wassum, former president for the Association of Treatment Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD).

Once you’ve decided on your quit date, the American Cancer Society Quit For Life® program suggests following these three timeframes to help prepare your mind and ensure a successful start.

Two weeks before

Get involved in the support program Quit For Life®. This program offers tailored support and can help you make smarter choices and stay on the wagon.

One week before

Identify your smoking habits. When, why and where you smoke should all be considered, and then you should try to make a conscious effort to change these patterns. Knowing your habits and patterns will help you to break them up. Replace cigarettes with a bottle of water, or even carrot sticks.

The night before

Do a complete sweep of cigarettes and other smoking reminders, including ashtrays, etc. The idea that if it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind, will do wonders for your mental focus when trying to quit smoking.

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