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Stop Smoking

Top 10 Articles


Cigarette Smoking Facts
Smoking is a global problem. It is estimated that one in three adults smoke, with over 1.2 billion people smoking worldwide. More than 105 billion cigarettes are sold every week — that’s ten million per minute. And, as stated by Dr. Max Snyder in his documentary The Medical Aspects of Tobacco, “Cigarettes are the only substance sold that, when the user follows the instructions carefully, will result in the consumer becoming toxic, chronically ill or !” Read more…

Nicotine: What Is Nicotine?
All around the world, millions if not billions of people smoke, sniff or chew tobacco every day. They do this not because it is trendy or attractive, but because they are more than likely addicted to the nicotine, which is found in tobacco products. Read more…

50 Reasons to Quit Smoking
One of the main reasons why smoking is so dangerous is due to the high levels of chemicals found in cigarettes. These chemicals include nicotine, carbon monoxide, butane (lighter fluid), arsenic and ammonia, to mention a few. Read more…

Quit Smoking: Bronchitis and Cigarette Smoking
Many people suffer a brief attack of acute bronchitis with fever, coughing and spitting when they have a severe cold. Chronic bronchitis, however, is the term applied when this coughing and spitting continue for months and return each year, generally lasting slightly longer each time. Read more…

Quit Smoking: Effects of Smoking on Your Health
“If beetroot and rhubarb, just for instance, were found not only to cause cancer in 10% of their heavy consumers, but eventually to bring 25% to an early , no-one would consume them, and the government would long ago have legislated against growing them. Sadly,” says Dr. Warwick Carter in his book The Complete Family Medical Guide, “this is just what cigarette smoking does, but the sale of cigarettes is permitted, cigarettes have been heavily promoted by advertising, and large profits are made from their sales. Read more…

Quit Smoking: Ways to Quit Smoking
If you’re tired of playing the “kick the habit game” and want to stop smoking once and for all, this article is for you. 1,559 words of eye-opening statistics, documented evidence and words to the wise will offer you hope, and provide you with the key to beat nicotine addiction. Read more…

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