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Best Hair Care for Thin Hair

In most societies, thick hair is considered beautiful hair. Unfortunately, we all weren't born with those thick luxurious locks that everyone raves about. Some of us have naturally thin hair.

Thin hair is often fine as well. Treat the hair gently, never use harsh shampoo, and avoid overcolouring or overperming. Don't brush excessively and use a soft brush with rounded ends on the bristles. Use pre-shampoo and after-shampoo treatments that contain protein, such as egg and milk, to add the fullness, which this hair lacks.

Avoid frequent use of hair rollers or styles where the hair is tightly pulled back or fastened into elastic bands as this can stress the delicate structure of the hair.

Fish oil, in addition to a multivitamin, can work wonders for your hair. And, of course, get your calcium for healthy bones, teeth, nails, and hair.

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