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Wrinkle Treatments: Anti-Wrinkle Creams,
Diet, Botox, and More

“There are two types of skin aging, intrinsic and extrinsic, and both contribute to wrinkling,” says dermatologist Dr. Ellen Gendler in The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Women. Intrinsic aging is something that happens as the genes we’ve inherited from our parents trigger a reduction of two connective fibers, collagen and elastin. Collagen supports the skin and elastin gives it flexibility. Together collagen and elastin give skin structure and tone. After age 30, connective fibers start to break down, and the skin starts to become more lax.

Extrinsic aging is aging that comes from environmental factors, especially sun damage, says Dr. Gendler.

To erase fine wrinkles Dr. Eileen Lambroza recommends that you shop for a product with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Make AHAs the foundation of your daily skin-care regiment, she says.

However, it’s not enough to try and fix what’s already wrong with your skin. You also need to think about the future and try to prevent more damage from occurring. Dr. Gendler advises women to use two sunscreens if they plan on spending the day outdoors. Sun protection factor, or SPF, only refers to the product’s ability to screen ultra-violet B (UVB) rays. But UVB rays only penetrate the top layers of the skin. You also need to protect against ultra-violet A (UVA) rays, which penetrate to the deeper layers of skin, also causing wrinkles. There are not many products that specifically protect you from UVA, says Dr. Gendler.

Tanning salons should be called wrinkling salons. Tanning equipment produces rays that cause premature wrinkling of the skin, says Dr. Allison Vidimos. No woman who values her skin should set foot inside a tanning booth.

Keep your weight steady. Gaining and losing even small amounts of weight can create fine wrinkles by the constant stretching and tightening of skin, says Dr. Margaret A. Weiss. So try to get your weight down and keep it down.



Article by: Valerie Goettsch

Dermatologists praise Retinol as an excellent over-the counter anti-wrinkle ingredient. Retinol creams work to soften lines and fade age spots.

What is Retinol?

Retinol is the technical name for Vitamin A. Research suggests that topical Vitamin A can help build collagen fibers and exfoliate the skin, thereby minimizing the appearance of fine lines.

There are several forms of Vitamin A found in the body. Retinol is one of them; other forms include retinyl palmitate, retinal and retinoic acid. Renova and Retin-A® are retinoic acid, also known as tretinoin.

Why Use a Retinol Cream?

Regular use of a retinol cream increases cell turnover and exfoliation by stimulating cell production and new collagen production. As we age, this process normally slows down and layers of dead, sun damaged skin cells build up on the skin. This causes our skin to look dull and thick; pores look large and we see the visible effects of sun damage such as age spots, uneven skin tone and less elasticity.

Using a retinol cream will encourage the exfoliation of these dead skin cells so healthier cells can surface. Skin will appear softer and smoother and pores will appear smaller. Skin will look younger and healthier. With the stimulation of collagen production, skin cells will be plumper, more like they were in our youth.

The cell rejuvenation caused by vitamin A has also been shown to be helpful on acne patients because the exfoliation unclogs pores and helps fade acne scars.

When looking for a vitamin A or retinol creme product, look for one with a high enough level of retinol to be effective.

Popular Retinol-Containing Products

Vitamin A or Retinol is the main ingredient found in the skin creams and lotions of several popular product lines including DDF, SkinScience, and M.D. Forte.

About The Author
Valerie Goettsch is webmaster of the site www.skin-sage.com, which is dedicated to reviewing anti-aging and anti-wrinkle skin care products and offering tips on achieving younger looking skin.



Article by: Daniel Vang

How many times has your mother told you, you are what you eat? As you probably know, Mom knows best. So it’s no surprise that what we feed our bodies does affect what the final product is. For healthier, younger skin it’s no different. But what should we eat in order to have the radiant skin we all covet? Here is a list of simple things we can all incorporate into our diet to help fend off wrinkles.

Fish Meat. Salmon especially. Fish meat is stock full of protein. Consuming more good protein like fish meat will give cells the fuel they need to repair themselves.

Dark-green, leafy vegetables. Another thing you’ve most likely heard from Mom: eat your vegetables. Again, she’s right. Foods such as romaine lettuce or kale will help prevent your skin from aging. Rich in iron and vitamin A; these vegetable will assist in healing damaged skin.

Nuts. Nuts are a valuable source of iron and zinc, and are an easy add on to most desserts and dishes. Almonds are replete with zinc, which also will boost skin restoration.

Berries. The most fun food for last. Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries – yummy!) have hundreds of different recipes for dessert time. A healthy-skin diet doesn’t have to be a boring one. Berries are rich in strong antioxidants, which will aid skin defense.

Just remember these easy things the next time you’re strolling through the grocery aisles. Eating these foods will arm your skin cells with the necessary tools to help preserve and keep your skin looking young.

About the Author
Daniel Vang is a publisher at www.eraseyears.com, scouring the latest news and reports concerning smooth skin. Find free anti-wrinkle creams and other helpful wrinkle-preventing tips at www.eraseyears.com



Article by: Margaret Wommack

Botox (botulinum toxin) is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure because it is a non-surgical way to reduce or eliminate frown lines, forehead creases, crows feet, neck bands and other wrinkles. It has fast results, is non-invasive and does not leave scars, but it also can wear off and should be re-injected, although the FDA recommends Botox not be re-injected more frequently than every three months. Also, Botox has recently been shown to prevent frequent migraines, sweating and muscle spasms.

Botox is taken from the toxin that causes food poisoning. This sterilized, injectable form of the toxin does on a small scale what the unsterilized toxin did on large scale: it paralyzes muscles just under the skin preventing them from contracting. The skin lying on top of these paralyzed muscles then smoothes out and usually within a week the wrinkles that were there are gone.

For the best safety, a patient should neither sleep nor consume alcohol for several hours prior to treatment and the injections should be done by a qualified, board certified doctor under sterile conditions with sterile equipment as well as with precautionary equipment on hand just in case there is an emergency.

A rising trend in cosmetic procedures is Botox Parties. However, many doctors have concerns about safety in social settings. If something goes wrong, it is better to be in a medical facility. People who cater to Botox parties may not be the best doctors. Then there is the concern about Botox abuse.

People choose to have Botox injections in parties for several reasons. First, they can get discounts for doing things in increasing volume. Second, it can be nerve-racking to have Botox injections for the first time and if a patient is surrounded by friends in a light and easy setting, it can alleviate some of the stress. Furthermore, it takes away the stigma of having cosmetic procedures done.

Want more Information about Botox cosmetic surgery? Find a qualified cosmetic surgeon in your area at www.sleepingswan.com

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