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Yeast Infection: Symptoms, Cause
and Treatment

If you have not come across the term yeast infection before then be warned: the condition is caused by an increase in the fungi that are already prevalent in our bodies.

Usually yeast infections are associated with women but the condition does not distinguish between the sexes; it can happen to women, men and children and is equally uncomfortable to all.

The typical homes for the fungus that causes yeast infection in our bodies are the moist, warm places, the most likely of which being the armpits, mouth and crotch area.

When conditions are favorable to the fungus it multiplies itself unchecked and we get an infection as a result.

Excessive sweating and moisture production can increase the chances of a yeast infection, especially when combined with body heat.

Common Symptoms

Probably the most common symptom is an overall itchy feeling in the affected area accompanied by a burning sensation.

In infants the infection is usually accompanied by a red thin rash in the nappy or diaper area which may cause the child severe pain and discomfort.

When a yeast infection occurs in the beds of your nails or the webs between your toes and fingers, it will present itself as soft reddened skin that is tender and for which you will have a constant urge to scratch.

In the mouth an infection will manifest itself with a whitish patch on top a red area in the mouth. If you attempt to scrape away the white areas it will cause them to bleed. Obviously, an oral infection of this nature makes eating and drinking very uncomfortable.

When a woman experiences a vaginal yeast infection there will usually be some sort of a discharge that ranges from thick and whitish to thin and watery. Often this is accompanied by an odor and if this condition is left untreated, further problems will result leading to pain when urinating and also during intercourse.

Treatments Available

There is a range of treatments available both over the counter and in front of it.

Before treating your infection it is essential that you get your condition diagnosed by a doctor. The symptoms of yeast infections can be very similar to other unrelated conditions.

The usual treatments prescribed by doctors include the many creams and lotions, oral medications and even suppositories.

As with all things prevention is better than cure and knowing how to prevent yeast infection symptoms is much more preferable than treating the condition once present.

About The Author:
Jo White has suffered from infections for several years now and in that time has amassed a wealth of knowledge on the symptoms. Visit her site on http://www.squidoo.com/yeastinfectionsymptons for more details.

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